Starting my next journey
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 1:24 PM
I spent the majority of my engineering career developing applications for the Macintosh. That included many different applications but the majority were for scientific or medical companies. I’ve worked in large teams includiing a 20 member team developing a Nuclear Medicine application. I’ve worked as a consultant with team members in 3 different countries and 4 different states. I went away from software development for more than a decade and I’m at a point in my life journey where I want to get back into it now. My past engineering experiences should make the process a quick one. The tools and the development language might have changed but they all work in a similar manner.
I’ve started by taking an online Swift Programming course through Standford University. Paul Hegarty teaches the course and I’ve enjoyed it greatly. Now, in a deeper dive into the course, I’m focusing on using the version control program GitHub. XCode and GitHub are new to me, however, I’ve used similar types of IDE’s and version control programs and I’m very familiar with how they work. I’m using this blog as a diary of my next advernture . Wish me luck and stay tuned!